Flexible Tuition

Flexible Tuition

An independent school education is an investment in your child’s future. At Aurora, we understand that affording independent school tuition in addition to the cost of living in the Bay Area can be challenging for some families. We are committed to making Aurora affordable and accessible to as many families from a broad range of economic circumstances as possible.

We know each family’s financial situation is unique, and Aurora’s Flexible Tuition Committee takes care to consider every application thoughtfully and intentionally. If your family finds the cost of tuition a potential obstacle to attending Aurora, we encourage you to apply for flexible tuition even if you think you may not qualify.

Average tuition paid at Aurora for 2023-24 is $27,442

2023-24 Tuition

Annual Tuition and Fees


Tuition – Lower School



Tuition – Middle School


Application fee

Cost of overnight field trip in grades 4/5

Cost of overnight field trip in grades 4/5
Sliding scale

Optional Expenses

Extended Care Rates $13.50/hour ($472.50/mth)

School Break & Summer Camps

School Lunch

Contribution to the Fund for Aurora Campaign
Voluntary, with a goal of 100% family participation

Participation in the Online Auction

Annual Volunteer Commitment

Per Family ($25/hour “buy out” option)
20 Hours

Per Single Parent ($25/hour “buy out” option)
10 Hours

General Admissions Deadlines

Academic Year

Priority Admission Application Deadlines

Aurora still has limited space available for transfer students during the current school year. Our priority admission application deadline for the 2024-25 school year is January 20, 2024. However, we accept applications on a rolling basis as space permits. Applicants will be asked to provide the following:

When we receive your application, we will schedule an in-person assessment for your child. 

30% of our students will receive Flexible Tuition in the 2023-24 school year

Frequently Asked Questions

How is flexible tuition awarded?

Aurora uses the Clarity platform to determine a family’s Flexible Tuition. Clarity is user-friendly, intuitive, and has a mobile-responsive application that can be completed in one sitting in 20-30 minutes or less. Instead of scanning, uploading or mailing prior year tax documents, families simply complete an e-signature form and Clarity pulls their verified tax documents directly from the IRS.

 From the information you provide, a standardized calculation computes a family’s estimated tuition contribution. The information is reviewed by the Flexible TuitionCommittee at Aurora and is used as a guideline in determining flexible tuition decisions.

How exactly is my family’s estimated tuition contribution calculated?

Clarity takes into consideration such things as gross taxable income, assets, liabilities, family size, and number of children attending tuition-­charging schools. The income and assets for both parents and the students are considered. 

Will applying for flexible tuition affect my child’s chances of being admitted to Aurora?

No, admissions and flexible tuition decisions are made separately.

Do we have to reapply for flexible tuition every year?

Yes. Flexible tuition awards are based on your family’s estimated tuition contribution and Aurora School’s flexible tuition budget, both figures change from year to year.

I cannot complete my tax returns in time to meet the flexible tuition application deadline. What should I do?

We understand your taxes may not be complete so we ask that you estimate your financial information to the best of your ability. Aurora will use the information that you provide to make a preliminary flexible tuition award decision. We will verify that the information that you provided is correct after reviewing your tax returns.

What if I have children at other tuition-charging schools?

Other K‐12 tuition you pay is figured into your family’s estimated tuition contribution. 

Do you take into consideration both parents’ income if we are divorced or do not live together?

Aurora considers all available sources of financial support when making flexible tuition decisions. Each parent must submit a separate Parent Financial Statement to Clarity. If one parent does not complete a Parent Financial Statement, we will not be able to process the flexible tuition application.

How do you treat our application if one parent does not work?

Aurora considers all available sources of financial support when making flexible tuition decisions. Each parent must submit a separate Parent Financial Statement to Clarity. If one parent does not complete a Parent Financial Statement, we will not be able to process the financial aid application.

I work for myself and my income can vary each year. Does this impact my application?

Decisions for next year are based on the previous year’s income, since we cannot predict what will happen next year. You may submit a letter explaining your specific extenuating circumstances to the Aurora Flexible Tuition Committee.

When will I be notified of my award?

Your Flexible Tuition award is included with your acceptance notification. The specific amount is listed on your enrollment contract.

Are there payment plans available?

Families at Aurora may choose among three payment options:

  1. Annual – one payment due by May 1 or the time of enrollment
  2. Semi-Annual – two installments are due on May 1 and December 1
  3. Monthly – ten installments on the 5th of the month from May through February. 
How can I be assured that my information is kept confidential?

Applying for FlexibleTuition at Aurora is a private matter between the family and the Aurora Flexible Tuition Committee. The Committee conducts a comprehensive review of each families’ personal financial situation and that review is not discussed with any other person outside of the Committee. To protect a family’s privacy, we expect all Flexible Tuition applicants to exercise discretion during the process by not discussing their application or award with other families or faculty. In addition, Clarity prioritizes collecting and processing a family’s documents in a safe and efficient manner. When documents are sent to Clarity, families submit their information to Clarity through a secure server. Additionally, families are now able to track receipt of the documents sent to Clarity through a unique password protected account.

Clarity is certified for both GDPR and SOC2 and uses enterprise-level security standards including end-to-end encryption of all personally identifiable information. For more information, please refer to Clarity’s Privacy Policy

If my financial situation changes and I have need for flexible tuition that I didn’t have before, what do I do?

Complete the Flexible Tuition Appeal Form and return it to our Admissions Director. You will also need to make necessary changes to your Parent Financial Statement on Clarity. Once all of this is completed, the Committee will meet and then contact you to let you know if you qualify for more tuition assistance and if so, how much.

If I’m receiving Flexible Tuition and my financial situation changes for the better, what do I do?

Families who receive Flexible Tuition and have positive change of financial status are expected to inform the Admissions Director, so that assistance can be adjusted. This is to ensure equity for all Aurora families. Aurora expects honesty from all of its families.

How do I apply for Flexible Tuition?

Please visit the Clarity website to apply for Flexible Tuition.

Can you assist me with the flexible tuition application process?

Yes. We are happy to answer any questions you may have. We realize that the applying for flexible tuition can be a time-consuming process and that you want to complete the application fully and accurately. To help make it a bit easier to manage, be sure to check out these free informational webinars that provide valuable tips to guide you in the process.

Rolling admissions are open for the 2023-24 school year!
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