Aurora Summer Camps 2025
Creators & Explorers
Creators & Explorers Camp 2025 - ALL SESSIONS FULL
Aurora’s Creators & Explorers Camps are a full day of fun! Each day all campers rotate through and participate in a variety of activities including: Science, Coding, Woodshop, Creative Writing, Arts & Crafts and Sports & Games.
Open to campers entering grades K-6 and Counselors in Training entering grades 7-12.
Adventures in Science
From simple experiments to engineering challenges, we’ll explore scientific concepts designed for fun and learning!
You will work on individual or group projects ranging from very simple to abstract inventions, all while learning basic tools and methods in woodworking. It’s fun, challenging, and inspiring.
Using the well know curriculum and Scratch / Scratch Jr. programming language to teach basic coding principles, your camper will be able to explore the word of coding at their own pace at an age-appropriate level.
Creative Writing & Comics
Let your imagination take over! Here’s a chance to learn how to take all those wonderful ideas and put them on paper, whether as short stories or comic strips.
Sports & Games
This is the kids chance to move, grove, and have fun out on the yard. We will explore sports of all types along with other active games such as tag, obstacle courses, and more!
Arts & Crafts
This part of our camp day will include a vast array of kid-tested crafts of every sort. Projects will range from simple paper and pencil crafts to the more involved use of specialized materials such as clay and paint. Crafts will be adjusted as needed to be age appropriate.
Camp Details
Session 1: June 23 – 27 FULL
Session 2: June 30 – July 3 (4 days) FULL
Full Day: 9am – 3pm
One-week session: $525
Four-day session: $420
Extended Care Options
Before Care from 8:30 am – 9:00 am is included in cost
After Care until 5:00 pm is $150 per week (pre-registration required)
The Fine Print
Extended Care
Drop off anytime between 8:30 and 9:00am, included with the cost of camp. You may register for after care until 5:00pm for a cost of $150 per week. You must either add this option during your initial registration or before the Monday of the week prior to the session start.
Payment Options
You may choose to pay for your camp tuition either in full at the time of registration or with a payment plan split into 2 payments. Payment in full may be made via an electronic check withdrawal (e-check / ACH) or credit / debit card. If you choose a credit card (debit cards are exempt) for payment, a 3% fee will be added to your payment to cover some of the credit card fees. The payment plan requires an automatic withdrawal from a bank account or debit / credit card to be set up at registration. You would pay half of the total at registration and the remaining half will be charged on April 15th, 2025. Full details are on the registration site. Please feel free to email any questions to the camp director, Josh Johnson or call him at (510) 428-2606 x 208.
Your camp tuition is refundable minus the non-refundable deposit of $100 up until May 1, 2025. Refund / Cancellation requests must be in writing (email) before the May 1 deadline. After May 1st your tuition becomes non-refundable.
Financial Assistance
Partial financial aid is available for students of Aurora School who qualify. Please contact the camp director before April 1 to apply.