Remote Schoolhouse Through June 12, 2020

Dear Aurora Families,
I hope this email finds you all healthy and beginning to manage everything with more ease. It was a pleasure to hear about Parent-Teacher Conferences. It meant so much to all of the teachers to hear your supportive words and to connect with each of you. Thank you!


I write to announce that our school will remain off-site for the remainder of the school year. While we all wish we were moving back on-site sooner rather than later, the health of our students and broader community is paramount. This move coincides with continued shelter-in-place initiatives at the local and state level. We will stay connected via our remote schoolhouse.

Aurora school-wide assemblies and Dance Parties will continue for the remainder of the school year, as will morning meetings and Zoom teaching. Teachers will make sure to stay connected with students and will keep them connected to one another through Zoom and Google Classroom, including one-on-one check- ins. Teachers will also find ways to check in with parents, as needed. We will also have another end-of-year Zoom Coffee Hour for parents, at some point.


  • As of now, Aurora Summer Camps will remain on-site. There will be new health protocols in place so that everyone stays safe. More to come at a later date. We plan to open school doors for the 2020-21 school year on Monday, August 31. As with summer camp, we expect to have new health protocols in place.
  • If any of the above changes, we'll let you know as soon as possible.


Teachers are meeting this coming Wednesday to assess the feedback we have gotten and adjust accordingly, to meet students' and families' needs. A remote learning survey will follow, as we continue to refine its delivery.

We want to make this as easy as possible for everyone. Please note that every family has different needs and we are doing our best to strike a balance and meet the needs as best possible.

If you have further questions or suggestions, please feel free to email your child's teacher, if the request pertains to your child only. If you have questions or suggestions for overall structure or ways to make things easier for all involved, please email


We understand this has been a challenging time for everyone. As a parent myself, I'm very aware of how difficult this time has been for full-time working parents, especially if you are the only parent in the household. Trying to balance everything is difficult. Please note, we are working diligently to make this process as smooth as possible for everyone involved.

In just ten days, teachers were asked to teach in a different way than they ever had before. They were asked to learn tech skills and teach at the same time, and some have children of their own. It's remarkable what we've been able to provide in such a short time; all the while, knowing that remaining connected to your children is what's most important and that keeping our students at the center of what we do is key. Aurora's social emotional program has always been strong, and in this time, it remains most important to us. The student-teacher relationship is vital and we will continue to do all that we can to maintain it.

We will continue to provide a comprehensive remote learning program for our students. We know every family's needs are different. Please take what works for your child and family. When we return to Aurora, rest assured that we will support your child wherever they are with their learning.

It is my belief that we will come out of this stronger and even more connected.

Missing you all and wishing you and yours good health,

Abbie Koss
Head of School

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